Caring for Everybody

ACAHO & HCCC release first of its kind report on research partnerships

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From the discovery of genes that cause disease to the development of new treatments and new policies and practices that improve our health, Canada’s Health Charities and Academic Healthcare Organizations partner for Success in Health Research to the benefit of the health and health systems of Canadians. In a first-of-its kind joint publication of ACAHO and HCCC, we examine this relationship and how it contributes to the health and well-being of Canadians. Find out what kind of research health charities fund in academic healthcare organizations and why it matters.

Scroll down to read the individual success stories

Success Stories and Breakthrough Innovations

 The Brain:

 The Eye:


 The Spine:

 The Heart:

 The Lungs:

The Liver:

 The Pancreas:

The Intestines: