Financement d’urgence pour soutenir la recherche en santé si essentielle à la vie.

Posted: 05-21-2020

Monsieur le Premier ministre Trudeau

Cabinet du premier ministre

80, rue Wellington

Ottawa (Ont.) K1A 0A2

Le 21 mai 2020

 Monsieur le Premier ministre,

Objet : financement d’urgence pour soutenir la recherche en santé si essentielle à la vie

 La Coalition canadienne des organismes de bienfaisance en santé représente une industrie de 650 millions de dollars et soutient directement 2 500 employés et plus de 2,9 millions de patients.

 La Coalition investit collectivement 155 millions de dollars par année dans la recherche en santé au Canada, appuyant annuellement quelque 1 300 chercheurs principaux. De plus, elle finance plus de 2 500 stagiaires, cochercheurs, titulaires de chaires et de professorats et collaborateurs afin de favoriser l’étendue et la profondeur de la capacité scientifique du Canada.

 Les organismes de bienfaisance dans le domaine de la santé jouent un rôle important et complémentaire auprès d’autres bailleurs de fonds, en s’associant aux Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), en comblant d’importantes lacunes en matière de financement, en offrant du financement stable, et en favorisant de la recherche centrée sur le patient et des liens directs avec les communautés de patients.

 Or, en ces temps de pandémie, les organismes de bienfaisance en santé ont connu une diminution de 50 % de leurs revenus en raison de la suspension des efforts de collecte de fonds en raison de la COVID‑19 et du ralentissement économique qui en découle. Pour réagir à la situation, les organismes de bienfaisance en santé ont pris des mesures considérables pour gérer la crise financière, notamment en réduisant les salaires de cadres et d’employés, en accordant des congés et en procédant à des mises à pied.

 Mais malgré ces efforts, les organismes sont toujours confrontés à un défi majeur, à savoir continuer de soutenir la recherche en santé si essentielle à la vie. De nombreux établissements et centres de recherche dépendent fortement du financement du secteur caritatif et prévoient des conséquences dévastatrices à court et à long terme sur l’ensemble de la recherche en santé au Canada si le financement dont ils ont besoin est ainsi sabré.

 Mais une interruption du financement entraîne aussi des problèmes immédiats. Les chercheurs et les projets de recherche perdront du personnel et des capacités clés, et verront une érosion de l’expertise.

 Certains projets et essais qui étaient déjà commencés sont en attente et ne disposeront pas des fonds nécessaires pour se poursuivre, envoyant à la poubelle non seulement le potentiel de ces travaux mais aussi les investissements faits pour les amorcer.

 Les décisions prises aujourd’hui auront également un impact sur l’avenir à long terme de la recherche en santé au Canada. Avec le report ou l’annulation, en 2020, de nombreux concours de recherche – dont ceux destinés spécifiquement aux étudiants au doctorat et aux boursiers postdoctoraux –, le manque de financement sera profondément ressenti par les jeunes chercheurs, réduira la capacité d’attirer et de retenir le talent scientifique au Canada, et aura de graves répercussions sur le secteur de la recherche pour des années à venir. L’accent mis sur la COVID‑19, bien qu’essentiel pour lutter contre la pandémie, pourrait concurrencer d’autres domaines, comme le cancer et les maladies chroniques, et ralentir les progrès importants qui ont été réalisés jusqu’ici, si des fonds ne sont pas également affectés dans ces domaines.

 Sans soutien immédiat, ces revers auront des répercussions persistantes sur la recherche en santé au Canada, touchant des centaines de chercheurs, sapant des millions de dollars d’investissements déjà réalisés, et entraînant ultimement de moins bons résultats de santé chez les Canadiens.

 Les organismes de bienfaisance en santé demandent des investissements directs de jusqu’à 28 millions de dollars par mois, ce qui leur permettrait de concentrer leurs efforts sur le soutien aux patients, la collecte de fonds, et la protection des acquis en recherche.

 Pour réagir aux enjeux évoqués ci-dessus, la communauté des chercheurs en santé vous demande de soutenir les organismes caritatifs pendant cette période difficile, de manière à appuyer la recherche novatrice et efficace qui est menée dans le domaine de la santé au Canada, et à favoriser la santé de tous les Canadiens pour des années à venir.

 Veuillez agréer, Monsieur le Premier ministre, l’assurance de nos sentiments les plus distingués.


 [Les soussignés]


The Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon. William Sterling Blair

The Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

The Hon. Kirsty Duncan

The Hon. Chrystia Freeland

The Hon. Patricia Hajdu

The Hon. Mélanie Joly

The Hon. William Francis Morneau

The Hon. Carla Qualtrough

Dr. Aaron Nauth, MD, MSc, FRCSC
University of Toronto / St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Aaron Ward, PhD
Western University
Dr. Abdelilah Soussi Gounni, PhD
Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Dr. Abdellatif Abouelseoud, PhD
CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Center (University of Montreal)
Dr. Abdul Alhesayen MD, FRCPC
St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto University of Toronto
Dr. Abdullah Ishaque
University of Alberta
Abhishek Mishra
Dalhousie University
Dr. Adèle Coriati
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Adetola Adesida, PhD
University of Alberta
Dr. Agatha Lau MD
Markham Stouffville Hospital
Ahmad U. M. Mahmoud
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, McGill University
Ainsley Smith, H.B.Sc.
University of Calgary
Dr. Alain Théophile Sané
Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Alan Lomax
Queen’s University
Albert Gratton
London Regional Cancer Program
Alberto Contreras-Sanz
Vancouver Prostate Centre
Alberto Osa García
Université de Montréal, CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Dr. Alejandro Lazo-Langner MD MSc FRCPC
Western University
Dr. Alex Parker
Université de Montréal
Alex Pennetti
Windsor Regional Hospital
Dr. Alex Quinn
Dalhousie University
Dr. Alexander Thiel, MD
McGill University
Dr. Alexander V. Louie
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Alexander Wyatt
University of British Columbia
Dr. Alexandre Caron, PhD
Laval University
Dr. Alexandru Hanganu, PhD
University of Montreal
Alexie Doucet, BA
Université Laval
Dr. Ali Abdul-Sater, PhD
York University
Dr. Ali Ahmad
CHU Sainte Justine Research Center/University of Montreal
Dr. Ali Akram, PhD, MSc
York University, University Health Network (Toronto Western Hospital)
Dr. Alier Marrero
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dr Georges-L-Dumont & Centre de Formation Médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick
Dr. Alison Allan
Western University
Dr. Alistair Younger
University of British Columbia / British Columbia Orthopaedic Association
Dr. Allan DeCaen MD FRCP
University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital
Allen Duong
University Health Network, University of Toronto
Dr. Allison Eddy
University of British Columbia
Dr. Alnoor Ramji
University of British Columbia
Dr. Alphonse Montminy MD CSPQ
P.E.C Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Alvin Shrier
McGill University
Dr. Aly Karsan
BC Cancer Research Institute
Amanda Leung, BA MSW RSW
Foothills Medical Centre
Dr. Amanda Oakie
McEwen Stem Cell Institute, University Health Network, Toronto
Amandeep Amandeep
York University
Dr. Amber Molnar
McMaster University
Dr. Amélie Fradet-Turcotte
Université Laval
Dr. Amer Johri
Queen’s University
Dr. Amir Khoshbin
University of Toronto
Dr. Amit Atrey, MD, MSC, MRCS, FRCS
St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto and the University of Toronto
Dr. Amit P. Bhavsar
University of Alberta
Dr. André C. Carpentier MD FRCPC
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. André Cantin, MD
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. André Marette, PhD
Laval University
Dr. Andrea Knight, MD
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Dr. Andrew Advani, MD FRCP, PhD, MBCh(Hons) BSc
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto
Andrew Chen
McMaster University
Dr. Andrew Karaplis
McGill University
Dr. Andrew Krahn
Division of Cardiology, UBC
Dr. Andrew Mason
University of Alberta Centre of Excellence for Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research
Dr. Andrew Matthew
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Andrew Pipe, CM, MD, LLD(Hon), DSc(Hon), FRCPSC(Hon)
University of Ottawa
Andrew Wu
University of Alberta
Dr. Andrey Cybulsky
McGill University Health Centre Research Institute
Dr. Angela Brooks-Wilson
Simon Fraser University
Dr. Anita Howe
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Anita Kaiser BSc MSc
University Health Network
Dr. Anita Molzahn
University of Alberta
Dr. Anna Gagliardi, PhD
University Health Network
Anna Huynh
University of Toronto
Dr. Anna R Gagliardi
University Health Network
Dr. Anne Klassen
McMaster University
Anne Malpage
London Regional Cancer Program
Dr. Anne Martel
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Anne Monique Nuyt, MD
Université de Montréal
Dr. Anne Sophie Champod, Ph.D., R. Psych
Acadia University
Dr. Anne Stephenson, MD, PhD
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Anne-Marie Côté, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Anne-Sophie Morisset, PhD, RD
Universite Laval
Dr. Annette Hay
Queen’s University
Dr. Anthony Cooper, FRCS, MBChB
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute / University of British Columbia
Dr. Anthony E. Lang OC, MD, FRCPC, FAAN, FCAHS, FRSC
University of Toronto
Anthony Ku
University of Toronto
Dr. Anthony Otley, MD
Dalhousie University
Dr. Anthony Perruccio, PhD
Dr. Anthony Rullo
McMaster University
Dr. Antoine Caillon, PhD
McGill University, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal
Dr. Antoine Dufour, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Antoine Reginensi
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Antonis E. Koromilas
McGill University
Dr. Ariane Marelli MD, MPH, FRCPC, FACC, FAHA
McGill University Health Center
Dr. Arif Jetha, PhD
Institute for Work & Health
Dr. Armin Badre, MD, MSc, FRCSC
University of Alberta
Art Marzok
McMaster University
Arthur R. Chaves
 Memorial Unversity of Newfoundland
Artiom Skripka
Université du Québec
Arun Chandrakumar
University Health Network
Dr. Ashley Wazana
Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Asmita Ghosh, Ph.D
CRCHUM, University of Montreal (Dept. of Neuroscience)
Dr. Audrey Dangoumau
McGill University, The Neuro
Audrey Labarre
Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Dr. Audrey Parent, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Augustine Joshua Devasahayam
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Aura Kagan, Ph.D.
Aphasia Institute – The Pat Arato Aphasia Centre
Aurélie Fallon
Institut de recerches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Dr. Austen J Milnerwood PhD
McGill University
Dr. Avril Mansfield R.Kin, PhD
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute University Health Network
Avyarthana Dey
University of Alberta
Azza Al-Mahrouki
University of Toronto
Banafshe Felfeliyan, PhD Candidate
University of Calgary
Barry Munro B.A., LLB.
Canadian Spinal Research Organization
Dr. Barbara Vanderhyden
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Benjamin Grant
University Health Network
Dr. Benjamin I. Goldstein, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Benjamin Lok
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Bethany Foster
McGill University
Betty Joe
University Health Network
Dr. Blayne Amir Sayed, MD PhD
Univ of Toronto, SickKids & Toronto General Hospitals
Dr. Bradley Meulenkamp, MD, FRCSC
University of Ottawa
Dr. Bradley Quon
St. Paul’s Hospital, University of British Columbia
Dr. Brandon Shokoples
Vascular and Hypertension Research Unit Lady Davis Institute
Bre-Anne Fifield
University of Windsor
Breanna Meek
University of Winnipeg
Dr. Brendan Barrett
Memorial University
Memorial University of Newfoundland / Western Memorial Regional Hospital
Dr. Brent Richards
McGill University
Dr. Brett D. Thombs
McGill University
Bria Mele, BA&Sc., MSc.
University of Calgary
Dr. Brian Coombes, PhD
McMaster University
Dr. Brian Eames, Phd
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Brian Feldman,  MD, MSc, FRCPC
The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Brian Lam
University Health Network
Dr. Bruce G. Pullock, MD, PPh.D, FRCPC
University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Bruce Vallance
BC Children’s Hospital and the University of British Columbia
Dr. Bruno da Costa, PhD
St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto) and University of Toronto
Dr. Caigan Du
University of British Columbia
Camille Tourigny
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Cara Haney
University of British Columbia
Dr. Carla Coffin
University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services
Carley Ort
McGill University
Dr. Carol Hitchon, MD, MSc, FRCPC
University of Manitoba
Dr. Carolina Tropini
University of British Columbia
Dr. Caroline K Kramer MD PhD
University of Toronto
Dr. Caroline Pukall
Queen’s University
Dr. Caroline Schild Poulter
Robarts Research Institute, Western University
Dr. Carolyn Ells
McGill University
Dr. Catharine Winstanley, PhD
University of British Columbia
Catherine Brown
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Catherine F. Notarius PhD
University Health Network, Toronto
Catherine Hofstetter
Catherine Praamsma
Dr. Catherine Tsilfidis, PhD
  Ottawa Hospital Research Institute & University of Ottawa
Dr. Catia Persiani
Toronto General Research Institute
Dr. Celia Greenwood
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
Dr. Céline Fiset, PhD
Université de Montréal
Dr. Chantal Bémeur
Centre de Recherche du CHUM, University of Montreal
Dr. Chantelle Sephton
Université Laval
Dr. Charles Krieger
Simon Fraser University & University of British Columbia
Charles-Antoine Garneau
Université Laval
Dr. Charmaine E. Lok, MSc., MD, FRCPC
University of Toronto
Chelsea Tanchip
University of Toronto
Dr. Chenqi Zhao, PhD
Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Universite Laval
Dr. Cheryl Kozey, PhD
Dalhousie University
Chetan Patil
University of Manitoba
Dr. Chieh-ling Yang
University of British Columbia
Chloe Mighton
University of Toronto
Dr. Chris Barnes
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Chris Kennedy
University of Ottawa
Dr. Chris Marshall
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Christen Shoesmith
London Health Sciences Centre
Christian Gamblin
Dalhousie university
Dr. Christian Kastrup
University of British Columbia
Dr. Christian Vaillancourt MD, MSc, FRCPC, CSPQ
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Christina L. Addison
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Christina Lam
University of Toronto, University Health Network
Christina Weismann
University of British Columbia
Dr. Christina Wolfson, PhD
McGill University
Dr. Christine Bear
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Christine Davis
St. Boniface Hospital
Dr. Christine Pratt
University of Ottawa
Dr. Christine Vande Velde
Universite de Montreal, CRCHUM
Dr. Christine Watt
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Christoph Borchers
McGill University
Dr. Christopher H. Mody, MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP, FCAHS
University of Calgary
Dr. Christopher Moraes
McGill University
Dr. Christopher Rose
Centre de Recherche du CHUM, University of Montreal
Dr. Claire M. Brown
McGill University
Dr. Claire Martin
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Clare Fiala
University Health Network
Dr. Claude Asselin
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Claude Perreault
Université de Montréal
Dr. Claudia Gagnon, MD
Université Laval
Dr. Claudia L. Kleinman
McGill University
Dr. Clive P. Duncan, MD, FRCSC
University of British Columbia
Cloé Esposito
Université de Montréal
Dr. Colleen M Norris PhD
Faculty of Medicine and School of Public Health, University of Alberta
Dr. Colleen O’Connell
Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation & Dalhousie University
Courtney Lawrence
University of Manitoba
Dr. Craig Erker
IWK Health Centre
Cristina Rubino
University of British Columbia
Dr. Cynthia Seow MBBS
University of Calgary
Dr. Cyrus Hsia
Western University
Daemon Cline
University of British Columbia
Dr. Dale Corbett, PhD
University of Ottawa
Dr. Dale Laird
Western University
Dr. Dale Martin
University of Waterloo
Dan Spiegelman
McGill University, The Neuro
Dr. Dana Philpott
University of Toronto
Dr. Daniel Gorman
University of Toronto
Dr. Daniel Muruve
University of Calgary
Daniel Rochefort
McGill University, The Neuro
Daniel Saucier
Centre de fromation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick, Université de Sherbrooke
Daniel Trcka
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Daniel Whelan, MD, MSc
University of Toronto / Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Dr. Daniela Massierer
McGill University
Dr. Daniela Rotin
The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Darin Adra
Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Darius Bagli
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Darren Mazzei, PT
University of Calgary
Dr. Darryl Leong
McMaster University
Dr. David B. O’Gorman, MSc, PhD
Lawson Health Research Institute / Western University
Dr. David Cherney
University Health Network
Dr. David Faraoni, MD, PhD, FAHA
University of Toronto
Dr. David Hammond PhD
School of Public Health & Health Systems, University of Waterloo
Dr. David Harriman
University of British Columbia
Dr. David Hess
University of Western Ontario
Dr. David Hill
Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London
Dr. David J. Stockton, MD, MASc
University of British Columbia
Dr. David N. Huynh
l’Université de Montréal et McGill University
Dr. David Naimark
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dr. David R. Wilson
University of British Columbia / Centre for Hip Health and Mobility
Debbie Witham, BSN, CRC
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Deborah Gordon-El-Bihbety
Research Canada
Dr. Deborah Zimmerman
University of Ottawa
Dr. Decheng Yang, PhD,
University of British Columbia
Dr. Derek M. McKay, PhD, CAGF
University of Calgary
Dr. Diana Mager
University of Alberta
Dilkeerat Dhillon
Dalhousie University
Dr. Dina Bassiouny
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Donald Welsh
University of Western Ontario
Donna De Francesco
University Health Network
Dr. Donna E. Goldhawk
Lawson Health Research Institute
Dr. Dorothy Kessler, PhD, O.T.
School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University
Dr. Douglas G. Storey
University of Calgary
Dr. David G Morgan
McMaster University
Dr. Jason Gilliland
Western University
Dr. Mark Turner
McGill University
Dr. Simon Robinson BSc MBChB MD FRCP (Edin)
Interventional Cardiologist
Dr. Smita Halder
McMaster University
Dr. Annick Guyot
McGill University Cystic Fibrosis Translational Research Center
Dr. Antonio Strafella, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Toronto Western Research Institute
Dr. Baptiste Lacoste
The University of Ottawa
Dr. Chris McGlory
Queen’s University
Dr. Christophe Altier
University of Calgary
Dr. Farhan Bhanji
McGill University
Dr. Frances Plane
University of Alberta
Dr. Frédéric Calon, PhD
Laval University
Dr. Gediminas Cepinskas
Centre for Critical Illness Research, Lawson Health Research Institute
Dr. Gord Gubitz
Dalhousie University
Dr. Grant M. Hatch
University of Manitoba
Dr. Guangpei Hou
University of Toronto
Dr. Harry Brumer
University of British Columbia
Dr. James McKinney, MD, FRCP(C)
University of British Columbia
Dr. Jane Yardley
University of Alberta
Dr. Jason Fish, PhD
Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Network
Dr. Jeffrey Gollish, BSc, MD, FRCSC
University of Toronto
Dr. Jonathan Schertzer
McMaster University
Dr. Karin Humphries, DSc.
University of British Columbia
Dr. Kim Anderson, MD FRCP(C) MSc
Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax Infirmary
Dr. Kishore Pasumarthi
Dalhousie University
Dr. Lorraine Kalia, MD, PhD, FRCPC
University of Toronto
Dr. Marcel A. Behr
McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Michael Walter
University of Alberta
Dr. Michelle Bendeck
University of Toronto
Dr. Michelle Welsford BSc, MD, FACEP, CCPE, FRCPC
Hamilton Health Sciences
Dr. Nicholas Strzalkowski
Mount Royal University
Dr. Nicole G. Barra (PhD)
McMaster University
Dr. Patricia Longmuir
University of Ottawa
Dr. Philippe Huot, MD, PhD
McGill University
Dr. Richard H. Swartz, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Sunnybrook HSC, University of Toronto
Dr. Rucha Patel (PDF)
Beth Isreal Medical Center,  Harvard Medical School
Dr. Satya Dash MD, PhD, FRCP (Edin), FRCPC
University of Toronto
Dr. Silvia T. Cardona
University of Manitoba
Dr. Simon Hirota
University of Calgary
Dr. Susanna Mak
University of Toronto
Dr. Talat Bessissow
Hôpital général de Montréal
Dr. Ted Steiner
University of British Columbia
Dr. Duncan Stewart
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dustin Maydaniuk
University of Manitoba
Dr. Dylan Burger
University of Ottawa
Dr. Earl Bogoch, BA MD FRCSC MSc
University of Toronto / St. Michael’s Hospital / Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Dr. Edgard Delvin, PhD, FCACB, FAACC
Centre de recherche, Hôpital Universitaire de l’Université de Montréal
Dr. Edith Hamel, PhD FRSC
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Dr. Edward A. Fon, MD, FRCP(C)
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Dr. Edward Conway, MD, PhD
University of British Columbia
Eilidh MacDonald
Dalhousie University
Dr. Ekaterina Rogaeva, PhD
University of Toronto & Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease
Elamine Zereg
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer
Dr. Elen Lopatina, MD, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Elena Torban
McGill University
Dr. Elena Verdu
McMaster University
Dr. Elizabeth Gillies, PhD
Western University
Dr. Emile Levy
CHU Ste-Justine / Université de Montréal
Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe
University of Guelph
Emy Philibert
Université Laval
Dr. Eric Bohm, BEng MD MSc FRCSC
University of Manitoba / Centre for Healthcare Innovation
Dr. Eric Boilard, PhD
University Laval and CHU de Quebec
Dr. Eric I. Benchimol, MD
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Dr. Eric Jarvis
McGill University
Dr. Eric Lécuyer
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal, Université de Montréal/McGill University
Dr. Eric Smith
University of Calgary
Dr. Eric Troncy, DV, PhD, Dun
Université de Montréal
Dr. Eric Yoshida
Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia
Dr. Ernesto Schiffrin
Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Esterina D’Asti
Université de Montréal
Dr. Étienne Audet-Walsh
Université Laval
Dr. Eugene Wong
Western University
Dr. Eva Pila
Western University
Dr. Eva Turley
Western University
Dr. Eytan Wine, MD
University of Alberta
Dr. F. Jeffrey Dilworth, PhD
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Fa-Hsuan Li, Ph.D
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Fabrice Mac-Way
Université Laval
Farrell Leibovitch
Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery
Fatemah Aleithan, Msc
York University
Dr. Fawzi Aoudjit, PhD
Laval University
Dr. Fei-Fei Liu
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Felix Ratjen
Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Fernand-Pierre Gendron, Ph.D.
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Finlay McAlister, MD MSc FRCPC FAHS
University of Alberta
Fiona Rankin
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
Florence Dô
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer
Dr. Florian Le Billan
University of Toronto
Dr. Ford Bursey MD
Memorial University
Francis Feldman
Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Francisco S. Cayabyab
Department of Surgery, University of Saskatchewan
Dr. François Boudreau, PhD, CAGF
Centre de recherche en inflammation et oncologie digestive de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. François Malouin, PhD
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Frédéric Barabé
Université Laval
Frederic Provost
Université de Montréal
Dr. Frédérick D’Aragon
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Frederick Dick
Western University
Dr. G. B. John Mancini, MD, FRCPC, FACP, FACC
University of British Columbia
Dr. G.L.A. Horbay, PhD
Gabriele Zitikyte
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Gabrielle Horne
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Gagan Gupta
Ryerson University
Dr. Gail A. Eskes, Ph.D.
Dalhousie University
​Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Dr. Gavin Y Oudit, MD, PhD, FRCPC
University of Alberta
Dr. Geert W. ‘t Jong
University of Manitoba
Dr. Genevieve Mailhot
CHU Ste-Justine / Université de Montréal
Dr. Geneviève Seabrook
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Geoffrey C. Nguyen, MD
University of Toronto
Dr. Geoffrey Hesketh
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Geoffrey P. Wilkin, MD, FRCSC
University of Ottawa
Geoffrey Woollard
University of Toronto
Dr. George S. Athwal, MD, FRCSC
Western University
Dr. Georges Levesque
Université Laval
Dr. Gerald Pfeffer
University of Calgary
Dr. Gerardo Ferbeyre
Université de Montréal
Dr. Gergely L. Lukacs, M.D., Ph.D.
McGill University
Dr. Giada Sebastiani
McGill University Health Centre Research Institute
Dr. Gihad Nesrallah
University of Toronto
Gilles Tossing
Université de Montréal
Dr. Girish Kulkarni
University of Toronto
Dr. Girish Shah
Laval University
Dr. Glenn Bauman
Western University
Dr. Graham J. King, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Western University
Graham Macdonald, MA, PhD Candidate
University of British Columbia, Arthritis Research Canada
Dr. Grégoire Le Gal, MD PhD
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Gregor Andelfinger, MD, FRCPC
Department of Pediatrics, Université de Montréal
Dr. Guangju Zhai, PhD
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Guillaume Léonard, pht, PhD
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Gustavo Balbinot, Ph.D.
University Health Network
Dr. Guy A. Rouleau
McGill University, Dept Neurology and Neurosurgery
Hadjara Sidibé
Université de Montréal
Dr. Hagar I. Labouta
University of Manitoba
Hamoudi Chakib, MSc
CHUQ-Université Laval
Dr. Hannah Kaneb
McGill University
Dr. Harindra C. Wijeysundera MD PhD FRCPC FCCS FAHA
Schulich Heart Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Harmandeep Kaur
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Hassan Fahmi, PhD
Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite de Montreal
Dr. Heather Denroche
B.C. Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Heather Durham
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Heather Langlois
The Ottawa Hospital
Heather Purvis
Dr. Heather Williams
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dalhousie University
Dr. Hector Ariel Roldan PhD
McGill University
Dr. Helen Burston
University Health Network
Dr. Hélène Girouard, PhD
Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Université de Montréal
Dr. Henry Ahn, MD, FRCSC, PhD
University of Toronto / Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Dr. Herman Johal, MD, MPH, FRCSC
McMaster University
Dr. Hesham Abdelbary, MD MSc FRCSC
University of Ottawa / The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Hideto Takahashi, M.D., PhD.
Institut de recerches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Dr. Honglin Luo MSc, MD
St. Paul’s Hospital, University of British Columbiam Centre for Heart Lung Innovation
Dr. Hosni Cherif, PhD
McGill University
Dr. Howard Young
University of Alberta
Dr. Huiming Zhang
University of Windsor
Dr. Husam Abdel-Qadir MD, PhD, FRCPC
University of Toronto
Dr. Ian K. Lo, MD, FRCSC
University of Calgary
Dr. Ian Lorimer
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Ian M MacDonald MD CM
University of Alberta
Dr. Idan Roifman, MD, MSc
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Idir Mellal, Ph.D. Eng
University of Toronto
Ido Refaeli
University of British Columbia
Dr. Indra Gupta
Research Institute McGill university Health Center
Dr. Ioannis Dimitriou
University Health Network
Isabelle Rash
University of British Columbia
Dr. Istvan Mucsi
University Health Network
Dr. Iva Pritisanac
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Ivan Wong
Dalhousie University
Dr. J. Patrick Neary, PhD
University of Regina
Dr. J. Rod Davey, MD, FRCSC
University of Toronto
Dr. J.C. Zúñiga-Pflücker
University of Toronto
Dr. Jackie Bender
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Jacques Couët, Ph.D.
Université Laval
Jade Emmanuelle
Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Dr. Jafna L. Cox, BA, MD, FRCPC, FACC
Dalhousie University/Nova Scotia Health Authority
Dr. Jaime Guzman, MD, FRCPC
BC Children’s Hospital
Dr. Jameel Abdulrehman, MD, FRCPC, MSc
University Health Network
Dr. James D. Johnson, Ph.D
The University of British Columbia
Dr. James Downar, MD, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC
University of Ottawa
Dr. James E A Zlosnik
University of British Columbia
James Knight
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. James Lan
University of British Columbia
Dr. James Martin
McGill University
Dr. James McInnes, MD, FRCSC
University of British Columbia
James Okeme
Cancer Care Ontario
Dr. James Waddell, MD, FRCSC
University of Toronto
Dr. Jan Storek, MD, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Jane S. Green, OC, ONL, PhD, FCAHS
Memorial University
Dr. Janet Dancey
Canadian Cancer Trials Group
Dr. Janet Pope, MD
Western University, St. Joseph’s Health Centre
Dr. Janice Robertson
University of Toronto
Dr. Janusz Rak
McGill University
Dr. Jasmin Ma, PhD, R. Kin
University of British Columbia, Arthritis Research Canada
Jasmine El Andalousi
Research Institute McGill university Health Center
Dr. Jasna Kriz
Université Laval
Dr. Jason Grebely
Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Canadian Network on Hepatitis C
Dr. Jason McDougall, PhD
Dalhousie University
Dr. Jason Rockel, PhD
University Health Network
Jason Smedvik
University of Winnipeg
Dr. Jason Weatherald MD, FRCPC
University of Calgary
Dr. Javary Joaquim
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer
Jay Ross
McGill University, Dept Human Genetics
Dr. Jean Sevigny
Université Laval
Dr. Jean-Claude Moubarac
Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal
Dr. Jean-François Beaulieu
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Jean-François Trempe, D.Phil.
McGill University
Dr. Jean-Pierre Julien
Université Laval
Dr. Jean-Sébastien Delisle
Université de Montréal
Dr. Jean-Simon Diallo
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Jeanette Boudreau
Dalhousie University
Dr. Jed A. Meltzer, Ph.D.
Baycrest Health Sciences
Dr. Jeehye Park
The Hospital for Sick Children & University of Toronto
Dr. Jeff Small
University of British Columbia
Dr. Jeffrey Hebert, PhD
University of New Brunswick
Dr. Jeffrey Wrana
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Jennifer M. Jones
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Jennifer MacRae
University of Calgary
Jennifer Nagel
BC Cancer Research Centre
Jennifer O’Gorman
London Regional Cancer Program
Dr. Jennifer Stinson
The Hospital for Sick Children
Jennifer Wilson, BA
Cassie and Friends Society for Children with Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases
Jenny Lou
University of Toronto
Dr. Jeremy Hall, MD, FRCSC, Med
University of Toronto / Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Dr. Jesse Wolfstadt MD MSc FRCSC
Division of Orthopaedics, Sinai Health System, University of Toronto
Jessi Bak
Dalhousie University
Jessica Emed, N., MSc(A)
McGill University
Jessica Milloy
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Jessica Yue
University of Alberta
Jessie Medeiros
University of Toronto
Dr. Jill I. Cameron, PhD, FAHA
University of Toronto
Dr. Jill Rice
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Jim Christenson
University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine
Jim Petrik, Ph.D
University of Guelph
Dr. Jim Hu
Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Jim Woodgett, Ph.D, FRSC
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Jingjie Xiao
Covenant Health Palliative Institute
Joan Defrêne
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Laval
Dr. Joan Krepinsky, BSc, MSc, MD, FRCPC
McMaster University
Joanna Raman-Nair, BSc (Hons)
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. JoAnne Arcand PhD, RD
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Jocelyn Fotso Soh
Concordia University
Dr. Joel Watts, PhD
University of Toronto
Dr. John C. Bell
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. John Chan
Université de Montréal
Dr. John E. Dick
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. John F. Trant, Ph.D.
University of Windsor
Dr. John H. Brumell, PhD
University of Toronto
Dr. John K. Marshall MD
McMaster University
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John S.D. Chan, Ph.D
Université de Montréal
Dr. John Trant PhD
University of Windsor
Dr. John Ussher
University of Alberta
Dr. Johnny Ngsee
University of Ottawa
Jolene Allan
University of Calgary
Jonah Burke-Kleinman
PhD Student
Dr. Jonathan Boulais, PhD
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Dr. Jonathan Kofman, Ph.D., P.Eng., ing.(OIQ),
University of Waterloo
Dr. Jonathan Rayment, MDCM MSc FRCP©
University of British Columbia
Dr. Jonathon R. Fowles, PhD, FCSEP, CSEP-CEP, CSCS
Acadia University
Dr. Jordan Feld
University of Toronto, Toronto Centre for Liver Disease
Dr. Jorg Fritz
McGill University
Dr. Jorge Filmus
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Jose Camacho Valenzuela
McGill University
Jose LaRose
University Health Network
Dr. José Zariffa, Ph.D., P.Eng
University Health Network
Dr. Joseph Cavallari
McMaster University
Dr. Joseph G. Culotti, Ph.D.
Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mt Sinai Hospital
Dr. Josie Ursini-Siegel
Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Juan Gonzalez-Abraldes
University of Alberta Centre of Excellence for Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research
Dr. Judy Anderson
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba
Dr. Julie Forman-Kay, PhD, FRSC
University of Toronto
Dr. Julie Robitaille, DtP, PhD
University Laval
Dr. Julie-Catherine Coll
CHU de Québec, Université Laval
Dr. Jüri Reimand
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Justin Medeiros
University of Guelph
Dr. Kalle Gehring
McGill University
Dr. Kara Nerenberg, MD, MSc, FRCPC
 University of Calgary
Dr. Kara Patterson PT, PhD
University of Toronto
Dr. Kari Kostiw
Health Sciences North
Dr. Karine Duval
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
Karine Lagacé
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de
Montréal, Université de Montréal
Karmugi Balaratnam
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Katherine Borden
Université de Montréal
Dr. Kathleen Pajer
University of Ottawa
Kathryn Volkening
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Kathy Nixon Speechly
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
Dr. Katie Allan, MASc, PhD
St Michael’s Hospital
Katie Lafferty
Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery
Dr. Katie N. Dainty, PhD
North York General Hospital and the University of Toronto
Katja Kathol
McGill University
Katrina Hueniken
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Keir Menzies
University of Ottawa
Keith Colaco, MSc
University of Toronto
Dr. Keith Poole, PhD, FRSC, FAAM
Department of Biomedical & Molecular Sciences
Queen’s University
Dr. Kelly McNagny
The Biomedical Research Centre/University of British Columbia
Dr. Kelvin Chan
Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre
Dr. Kelvin E. Jones
University of Alberta
Dr. Ken Hirasawa
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Ken Madden
University of British Columbia
Kevin Faust
University Health Network
Kevin Robb, MESc
University of Toronto
Dr. Keyur Patel
University Health Network, University of Toronto
Dr. Khaleeq Khan
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Kim Edelstein
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Kim Griffin
Maritime Electric
Dr. Kim Madden, PhD
McMaster University
Dr. Kishor M. Wasan
University of British Columbia
Dr. Kishore Mulpuri
University of British Columbia
Dr. Komal Bharti
University of Alberta
Krista Naccarato
Windsor Regional Hospital Cancer Program
Dr. Kristan J Aronson
Queen’s University
Kristina Kokorelias
University of Toronto
Kristina Valkanas
University Health Network
Dr. Kullervo Hynynen, Ph.D
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Kyle Francis
University Health Network
Dr. Lakshman Gunaratnam
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Lana Castellucci, MD, FRCPC, MSc
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Laura Banks PhD R.Kin
Ontario Tech University
Dr. Laura Garcia-Prat
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Laura Hulea
Université de Montréal
Dr. Laura M Sly PhD
University of British Columbia
Laure Voisin
Université de Montréal
Lauren Kreps
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Lauren Tierney
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Laurie Edmiston
Lazaro Sanchez-Rodriguez
McGill University
Dr. Léna Ahmarani
CHU Ste Justine, Université de Montréal
Dr. Levinus A. Dieleman, MD PhD
University of Alberta
Li Li, MSc
McGill University, Montreal General Hospital
Dr. Li Zhang
University of Toronto
Liliane Ménard
Université de Montréal
Dr. Lindsay O’Donnell
Queen’s University
Dr. Lingyun (Lily) Wu, PhD, MD
School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health, Laurentian University
Dr. Lisa Carlesso, PhD, PT
McMaster University
Dr. Lisa Porter
University of Windsor
Dr. Lisa Sheehy, PT (Ont), PhD
Bruyère Research Institute
Liu Ningdi Feng
University of Toronto
Dr. Livia Garzia
McGill University
Dr. Lois Shepherd
Canadian Cancer Trials Group
Dr. Long V. Nguyen
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Lora Giangregorio, PhD
University of Waterloo
Dr. Lori Ann Vallis, Ph.D.
University of Guelph
Dr. Lori Harwood
London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Lori West
University of Alberta
Dr. Lorne Zinman
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Lorraine Chalifour, PhD
McGill University
Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe, MDCM, MSc, FRCPC
Women’s College Hospital
Dr. Louis Dumont
Université de Montréal
Dr. Luc A. Sabourin
University of Ottawa
Lucas Ronat, PhD Candidate
University of Montreal
Dr. Luis Fernando Congote
McGill University
Dr. Lynda G. Balneaves
University of Manitoba
Lynn Valeyry Verty
University of Montreal
Mable Chan
University of Toronto
Malaika Mohammed
Ottawa Heart Institute
Dr. Mandy Archibald
University of Manitoba
Dr. Manish Sadarangani
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, UBC
Dr. Manish Sood
University of Ottawa
Manisha Pahwa
McMaster University
Dr. Manoj M. Lalu, MD, PhD, FRCPC
The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Manon Lemonde, RN, PhD
Ontario Tech University
Manya Charette
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Marc Bilodeau
Centre de Recherche du CHUM, University of Montreal
Marc Saba El Leil
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer, Université de Montréal
Dr. Marc Servant
Université de Montréal
Marc Shenouda
University of Toronto
Dr. Marc Therrien
Université de Montréal
Dr. Marcel Ruzicka
University of Ottawa
Dr. Margaret Fahnestock
McMaster University
Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Dr. Margaret L. McNeely
University of Alberta
Dr. Margie Davenport, PhD
University of Alberta
Dr. Maria Fernandes, PhD
Université Laval
Marie Bellio
Université Laval
Dr. Marie Elliot
McMaster University
Dr. Marie-Chantal Fortin
Universite de Montreal, CRCHUM
Dr. Marie-Claude Vohl
Université Laval
Dr. Marie-Elise Parent
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Dr. Marie-Hélène Milot
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Marilyn Macdonald
Dalhousie University
Dr. Mario Lamontagne, PhD
University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Mark B. Badrov, PhD
University Health Network
Mark Baguma-Nibasheka
Dalhousie University
Dr. Mark Campbell
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Mark Glazebrook, MSc, PhD, Dip Sports Med, MD, FRCSC
Canadian Orthopaedic Association / Dalhousie University
Dr. Mark S Silverberg, MD
Mount Sinai Hospital Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre
Dr. Mark Swain
University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services
Dr. Markku Nousiainen, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / University of Toronto
Dr. Martin Duennwald
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Marvin Chum
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, McMaster University
Dr. Mary R. L’Abbe, CM, PhD
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Mary T. Hynes
Institute of Medical Science (IMS), University of Toronto
Dr. Maryse Bouchard, MD, MSc, FRCSC
University of Toronto
Dr. Maryse Pelletier-Hibbert
University of New Brunswick
Mashiat Khan
University of Toronto / The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Mathieu Ferron, PhD
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Dr. Mathieu Lemaire
The Hospital for Sick Children
Mathilde Foisy Sauvé B.Sc.Nut., PhD candidate
CHU Ste Justine / Université de Montréal
Mathilde Paré
Université Laval
Dr. Matthew J Douma
University of Alberta
Dr. Matthew J. Smith
Université de Montréal
Dr. Matthew Lanktree
McMaster University
Dr. Matthew R. Stoyek, Ph.D.
Dalhousie University
Dr. Matthew Teeter, PhD
Lawson Health Research Institute
Matthew Warkentin
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Matthieu Ruiz
Montreal Heart Institute
Dr. Maxime Rousseaux, PhD.
University of Ottawa & Mind Research Institute
Mayoorey Murugathasan, MSc
York University
Dr. Mays Al-Dulaymi
University of Toronto
Meegan Deweerd
University Health Network
Dr. Mehdi Ghram
Université de Montréal
Dr. Melanie D Beaton MD FRCPC
UH Site Chief, Division of Gastroenterology London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Mélanie Dieudé
Université de Montréal
Dr. Melanie Keats
Dalhousie University
Melissa Roney
Greater Sudbury Paramedic Services
Dr. Meraj A Khan, PhD
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Michael Dunne
University of Toronto
Dr. Michael E. Farkouh, MD, MSc
University of Toronto
Michael Franklin, ACP
Niagara Emergency Medical Services
Michael Hughes
University of British Columbia
Dr. Michael J. Dunbar, MD, FRCSC, PhD, FCAHS
Dalhousie University
Dr. Michael J. Monument
University of Calgary
Dr. Michael McGillion
McMaster University
Dr. Michael Reedijk
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Michael Schumaker
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Michel Alary
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Université Laval
Dr. Michel Cayouette, Ph.D.
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
Dr. Michele Ardolino
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Michelle Ghert
McMaster University
Dr. Mick Bhatia
McMaster University
Miguel Cardoso
University of Alberta
Dr. Mike (Przemyslaw) Sapieha, PhD
University of Montreal,
Dr. Mike Papioannou
University Health Network
Dr. Mila Mirceta
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Minh Dang Nguyen
Hotchkiss Brain Institute & University of Calgary
Dr. Mir Munir Rahim
University of Windsor
Dr. Miranda Fidler-Benaoudia
Alberta Health Services
Dr. Mireille Koudoufio
Sainte-Justine research centre
Miriam Gagné
Université de Montréal
Miriam Garrido
University of Alberta
Dr. Mitsu Ikura
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Mohit Bhandari, MD, PhD, FRCSC
McMaster University
Dr. Mohsen Agharazii MD
Université de Sherbrooke, Université Laval
Dr. Moin Khan, MD., MSc., FRCSC, Dip. Sport Med
McMaster University
Dr. Moira K. Kapral, MD MSc FRCPC
University of Toronto, University Health Network
Moira Korus
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Dr. Morris Sherman
University Health Network, University of Toronto
Dr. Moumita Barua
University Health Network
Mr. Shafqat Rasool
McGill University
Ms. Jasmine Aziz
Dalhousie University
Muhammad Khan
University of Alberta
Nadège Côté
Université Laval
Dr. Nades Palaniyar
Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Nadia Khan
University of British Columbia
Dr. Nadine Kronfli
McGill University Health Centre – Division of Infectious Diseases and Chronic Viral Illness Service
Dr. Naglaa Shoukry
Université de Montréal, CHUM Research Centre
Dr. Nancy Brager
University of Calgary
Nancy Hamel
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Nancy M. Salbach
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University of Toronto
Dr. Natalie Dayan MD MSc
McGill University Clinician Scientist
Dr. Natalie Jane Michael, PhD
Université Laval
Dr. Nathanne dos Santos Ferreira, PhD, MSc
Lady Davis Institute, McGill University
Dr. Neeraj Nerula
McMaster University
Dr. Neil Renwick
Queen’s University
Dr. Nelson Greidanus
University of British Columbia
Nickolas Auclair
Université de Montréal
Dr. Nicola Jones
SickKids Hospital
Dr. Nicolas Dupré MD MSc FRCP FAAN
CHU de Québec – Université Laval
Nicolas Grinberg
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed
University of Calgary
Dr. Nicoletta Eliopoulos
McGill University
Dr. Nikolas Knowles, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Nina Jones
University of Guelph
Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Noor Alsaden
University of Toronto
Dr. Nora Bakaa, BSc (hons), DC
McMaster University
Okty Borhani
University Health Network
Olga Ponomarchuk
Dr. Oliver Kent
University Health Network
Dr. Olivia Y. Cheng, MD, FRCSC
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital / Queen’s University / McMaster University
Dr. Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, FRCSC
McMaster University
Dr. Ori D. Rotstein, Ph.D
Unity Health Toronto
Dr. Oury Monchi, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. P. Andrew Chong, Ph.D.
Hospital for Sick Children
Paria Alipour
McGill University, Dept Human Genetics
Dr. Parminder Raina
McMaster Univerity
Dr. Pascal-Andre Vendittoli MD, MSc, FRCS
Department of orthopedic surgery, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital / University of Montreal
Dr. Patrick A. Dion
McGill University, Dept Neurology and Neurosurgery
Dr. Patrick Lawler
University of Manitoba
Dr. Patrick Veit-Haibach
University Health Network
Dr. Paul A. Demers
Occupational Cancer Research Centre, Ontario Health
Dr. Paul A. Martineau MD FRCSC ABOS
McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Paul Fortin, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval
Dr. Paul Hebert
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Paul J. Moroz, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FAAOS
University of Hawai’i
Dr. Paul Jolicoeur
Clinical Research Institute of Montreal
Dr. Paul Kim
McMaster University
Dr. Paul Kubes
University of Calgary
Dr. Paul McDonald
BC Cancer Research Centre
Dr. Paul McKeever
University of Toronto
Dr. Paul Nathan
The Hospital for Sick Children
Paul Orban
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Paul-Edgar Beaulé, MD, FRCSC
University of Ottawa
Pavani Beesetty
University Health Network
Dr. Pedro M Geraldes
University of Sherbrooke
Dr. Peeyush Lala
University of Western Ontario
Peggy Taillon
Bruyere Foundation
Dr. Pere Santamaria, MD, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Peter C. Black
University of British Columbia
Dr. Peter G. Lawlor
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Dr. Peter G. Wells
University of Toronto
Dr. Peter Greer
Queen’s University
Dr. Peter Liu M.D.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Dr. Peter N Burns
University of Toronto/Sunnybrook Research Institute
Dr. Peter Nickerson
University of Manitoba
Dr. Peter Riddell, MD
University of Toronto
Dr. Peter S. McPherson
McGill University
Dr. Phedias Diamandis
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Philip Millar, PhD
University of Guelph
Dr. Philip Wong
McGill University
Dr. Philipp Lange
University of British Columbia
Philippe Jolivet
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal, Université de Montréal
Dr. Philippe Lucas, PhD(c)
University of Victoria
Dr. Philippe Pibarot, D.M.V., Ph. D., FAHA, FACC, FESC, FASE, FCCS
Université Laval
Dr. Phillip Karpowicz
University of Windsor
Dr. Phyllis Zelkowitz
McGill University
Dr. Pier Jr Morin
Université de Moncton
Dr. Pierre Guy, MDCM, MBA, FRCSC
Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation / University of British Columbia / Centre for Hip Health an Mobility
Dr. Pierre Paradis, Ph.D.,
Sir Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital, McGill University
Dr. Pietro Ravani
University of Calgary
Dr. Pingzhao Hu, Ph.D.
University of Manitoba
Dr. Pooja Shree Mishra
CERVO Brain Research Centre
Dr. Prashen Chelikani, PhD
University of Manitoba
Dr. Prévost Jantchou, M.D
Université de Montréal
Dr. Prism Schneider
University of Calgary
Dr. Puneeta Tandon
University of Alberta Centre of Excellence for Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research
Quinn Bonafiglia
Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research (TRCHR)
Dr. R. David Andrew
Queen`s University
Dr. Rachel HB Mitchell MD, MSc, FRCPC
University of Toronto
Rachel Skow
University of Alberta
Dr. Rahima Bhanji
University of Alberta, Division of Gastroenterology and Liver Unit
Rahul Kumar
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Dr. Rama Khokha
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Rami Al Batran
Université de Montréal
Dr. Raphaële Charest-Morin, MD, FRCSC
University of British Columbia
Dr. Rayjean Hung
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Raymond M. Reilly
University of Toronto
Dr. Dr. Raynald Bergeron, Ph.D.
Université de Montréal
Razia Chanda
McGill University
Dr. Rebecca Moyer, PhD, PT
Dalhousie University
Rebekah van Bruggen
Sickkids Research Institute
Dr. Remi Goupil
Université de Montréal
Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret MD, PhD
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Dr. Remo Panaccione, MD
University of Calgary
Dr. Renée Douville
University of Winnipeg
Renée Masching
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Dr. Richard E. Buckley, MD, FRCS
University of Calgary
Dr. Richard Frayne
University of Calgary
Dr. Richard Frayne, PhD
University of Calgary
Dr. Richard Hébert
University of Ottawa
Dr. Richard Larouche, PhD
University of Lethbridge
Dr. Rita Suri
McGill University
Dr. Rob Quinn
University of Calgary
Dr. Rob S. B. Beanlands, MD, FRCPC, FACC, FCCS
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Dr. Robert A. Hegele MD FRCPC FACP
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Robert A. Rose, PhD
Cumming School of Medicine | University of Calgary
Dr. Robert Chen, MA, MBBChir, MSc, FRCPC
University of Toronto
Dr. Robert K. Baker, PhD
University of British Columbia
Dr. Robert Rottapel
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Robert Schroth, DMD, MSc, PhD
University of Manitoba
Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Dr. Robert Screaton, Ph.D
Sunnybrook Research Institute​
Dr. Robert Teasell MD FRCPC
Western University
Dr. Robert Young
Simon Fraser University
Roderick J. McKay FCPA FCA
Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery
Dr. Roderick R. McInnes
Jewish General Hospital
Roger C. Levesque
Université Laval, Québec
Dr. Roger S. McLeod, Ph.D.
Faculty of Medicine
Roth-Visal Ung
Université Laval
Dr. Rulan Parekh
University of Toronto
Dr. Ryan Degen, MSc, MD, FRCSC
Western University
Dr. Ryan E. Rhodes
University of Victoria
Dr. Ryan T. Bicknell, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Queen’s University
Ryder Whittaker
University Health Network
Ryszard Grygorczyk
Université de Montréal
Dr. S. Robin Cohen
McGill University
Dr. Sacha De Serres
Université Laval
Salem Werdyani, PhD Candidate
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Sally De Silva
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Sam Lee
University of Alberta
Samantha Parsons, BA CCRP
London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Samuel Silver
Queen’s University
Dr. Samuel Workenhe
McMaster University
Dr. Sandra T. Davidge, PhD, FCAHS
University of Alberta
Sandra Thornton
Sandrine Marchand
Université de Montréal
Sandy Zakaria
McMaster University
Dr. Sanjay Kalra
University of Alberta
Dr. Sanjay Mehta, MDCM FRCP(C)
London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Sanjay Murthy, MD
The Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa
Dr. Sara N. Andres, PhD
McMaster University, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
Sarah Gregor PT
University of Toronto
Dr. Sarah Manske, PhD
Department of Radiology, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Sarah Peyrard
Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Dr. Sarah Ward, MD, MLA, MSc , FRCSC
University of Toronto / Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Dr. Sasha Carsen, MD, FRCSC
The CHEO Research Institute and the University of Ottawa
Sasha Doodnauth
University Health Network
Schohraya Spahis
CHU Ste Justine and Sherbrooke University
Dr. Scott Davey
Queen’s University
Dr. Scott Kline, PhD
St. Jerome’s University
Dr. Scott Ryan Ph. D
University of Guelph
Dr. Scott Wiens, MD, FRCSC
University of Alberta
Dr. Sean Egan
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Sean P Cregan, PhD
University of Western Ontario
Serena Kao
University of Toronto/SickKids
Dr. Serge Lemay
McGill University
Dr. Sergi Clotet Freixas
Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Network
Dr. Shang Lu
University of Alberta
Dr. Sharon L. Mulvagh MD, FRCPC, FACC, FAHA, FASE
Dalhousie University
Dr. Sharon Nofech-Mozes
University of Toronto
Dr. Shaun Goodman, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACC, FAHA, FESC, FCCS
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Shawn W. O’Driscoll, MD, PhD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN
Dr. Shazan Amed
University of British Columbia
Dr. Sheela Abraham
Queen’s University
Dr. Sheila K. Singh
McMaster University
Shelagh Ross
Dr. Sheldon Cheskes MD CCFP (EM) FCFP
Sunnybrook Center for Prehospital Medicine
Shelley Bouchard RN, MScN
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Sheryl Zelenitsky
University of Manitoba
Dr. Shoukat Dedhar
University of British Columbia
Shrey Sindhwani
University of Toronto
Dr. Shyh-Dar Li
University of British Columbia
Silvia Pozzi
CERVO Brain Research Centre
Dr. Simon J. Graham, Ph.D
University of Toronto
Dr. Sindu Kanjeekal
Windsor Regional Hospital
Dr. Sofia Ahmed
University of Calgary
Sofiane Berrazouane, PhD Candidate
Dr. Soham Rej
McGill University
Dr. Sonia Butalia, BSc MD FRCPC MSc (epi)
University of Calgary
Dr. Sonia Cellot
CHU Sainte-Justine
Sonja Di Gregorio
University of Western Ontario
Sophia Melliou
University Health Network
Sophia Morel
Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche CHU Sainte-Justine
Sophie Cousineau
McGill University Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Søs Skovsø
University of Brirtish Columbia
Dr. Sowmya Viswanathan, PhD
University Health Network
University of Toronto
Dr. Sri Nagarjun Batchu
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Stan Shapiro
McGill University
Dr. Stephanie Ong
University Health Network
Stephanie Ziembicki
University of Toronto
Dr. Stephen C. Juvet, MD PhD FRCP
University Health Network, University of Toronto
Dr. Stephen Collins MB.BS
McMaster University
Dr. Stephen E. Girardin, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
Dr. Stephen Vanner
Queen’s University
Dr. Stephen Wilton, MD MSc FRCPC
University of Calgary
Dr. Steve Lacroix, PhD
Université Laval
Dr. Steve Lin MD MSc FRCPC
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Steven C Brooks MD MHSc FRCPC
Department of Emergency Medicine – Queens University
Dr. Steven J. MacDonald
Western University / London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Steven Plotkin
University of British Columbia
Stina Grant
University of Windsor
Dr. Stuart Peacock
BC Cancer
Dr. Susan E. Howlett, PhD
Dalhousie University
Dr. Susan Kahn
McGill University
Susan L. Walters
London Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Susan R. Kahn MD MSc
Dr. Susanna Mak MD, PhD
University of Toronto
Dr. Susanne Benseler, MD, PhD
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Susanne Clee, PhD
University of British Columbia
Dr. Suzanne Advani
St. Michael’s Hospital
Suzanne Greeley, RN
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Swapnil Hiremath
University of Ottawa
Dr. Sylvain Meloche
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer
Dr. Sylvie Gosselin
University of Sherbrooke
Sylvie Lavictoire
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Sylvie Marleau, M.Sc., PhD
Université de Montréal
Dr. Tae Hun Kim
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Talía Malagón
McGill University
Dr. Tami A. Martino, PhD
University of Guelph
Dr. Tania Janaudis Ferreira
McGill University
Tanushka Anand
University of Alberta
Dr. Tao Rui
Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON
Dr. Tarek Bismar
University of Calgary
Dr. Tarimobo Otobo, MD, MSc
Hospital for SickKids
Dr. Tereza Martinu, MD
Toronto General Hospital & University Health Network
Dr. Terry Hébert
McGill University
Dr. Thai Hoa Tran
CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Theone Paterson
University of Victoria
Dr. Thomas Appleton, MD, PhD, FRCPC
SJHC London
The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Thomas E. Massey, PhD
Queen’s University
Dr. Thomas J. Marrie CM, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Thomas Kislinger
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Thomas M. Durcan
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Dr. Thomas Michalak
Memorial University-Molecular Virology and Hepatology Research Group
Dr. Thomy Nilsson
University of Prince Edward Island
Dr. Tiago A. MesTre, MD, MSc
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa
Dr. Tianqing Peng
Western University
Dr. Timothy Daniels
University of Toronto / St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Timothy H Murphy
University of British Columbia
Ting Jin
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer
Dr. Ting-Yim Lee, PhD, FCCPM,FCOMP
Lawson Health Research Institute
Dr. Tobias Tritschler, MD, MSc
Ottawa Health Research Institute
Dr. Todd Alexander
University of Alberta
Dr. Tommy Alain
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
Dr. Tomoko Takano
McGill University
Dr. Yokota Toshifum
University of Alberta
Dr. Tracie Pennimpede
Queen’s University
Dr. Trang Hoang
Université de Montréal
Travis Webber
University of British Columbia
Treena McDonald
BC Cancer
Dr. Trevor Pugh
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Turgay Akay
Life Science Research Institute, Dalhousie University
Tyler Wells
Dalhousie University
Dr. Ugljesa Djuric
University Health Network
Dr. Valerie Chappe, PhD
Dalhousie University
Valerie Levesque
University of Calgary
Dr. Vanessa Taler
Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Varune Rohan Ramnarine
University of British Columbia
Dr. Vickas Khanna MD, FRCSC
McMaster University
Dr. Victoria Meah, PhD
University of Alberta
Dr. Vinay Nadkarni MD, MS
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Dr. Vincent Bain
University of Alberta Centre of Excellence for Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research
Dr. Vincent Giguère
McGill University
Dr. Vinicius Kannen Cardoso
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Dr. Vinod Chandran, MD, PhD
University of Toronto and Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network
Dr. Vlad Ladizhasky
University of Guelph
Dr. Voula Kanelis
University of Toronto
Dr. W. Glen Pyle, PhD
University of Guelph
Dr. Wael El-Matary MD
University of Manitoba
Dr. Walid Houry
University of Toronto
Dr. Waliul Khan
McMaster University
Dr. Wallace MacNaughton, Ph.D.
University of Calgary
Dr. Warren Chan
University of Toronto
Dr. Wei Zhang
University of Guelph
Dr. Welie Hui
University Health Network
Dr. Wendy Johnston
University of Alberta
Wendy St. Denis
Dr. Wendy Wang
Alberta Health Services
Dr. Wilhelm Brian
Université de Montréal
Dr. William Chu Kwan, MD
University of Toronto
Dr. William Cupples
Simon Fraser University
Dr. William Foulkes
McGill University
Dr. William J. Muller
McGill University
Dr. William P. Sheffield, PhD
McMaster University
Wooin Cho
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Xavier Roucou
University of Sherbrooke
Xiaojing Yang
Queen’s University
Xiayi Ma
St. Mike’s Hospital / Unity Health Toronto
Dr. Yana Yunusova
University of Toronto
Dr. YangXin Fu
University of Alberta
Yasir Mohamud
University of British Colombia
Dr. Yasmin Nasser. MD
University of Calgary
Dr. Yasser Riazalhosseini
McGill University
Dr. Yassine Ouhaddi, PhD
CHUM research centre
Dr. Yingfu Li
McMaster University
Dr. York Pei
University of Toronto
Dr. Yoshitaka Tamaki
McGill University, The Neuro
Dr. Yu Lu
McMaster University
Dr. Yu Tian Wang
University of British Colombia
Dr. Yu-Qing Zhou, Ph.D.
Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research
Dr. Yue Zhang
University of British Columbia
Yumin LIu
McGill University, The Neuro
Dr. Yvonne Bombard
St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Zamaneh Kassiri, MSc, PhD
University of Alberta
Dr. Zhenyu Cheng
Dalhousie University
Zhexian Liu
University of British Columbia
Zhong Ling Yap
University of Manitoba
Dr. Zhongli Cai
University of Toronto
Dr. Zhu-Xu Zhang
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Ziv Gan-Or, MD, PhD
McGill University
Dr. Zongchao Jia
Queen’s University